The 11th
Conference of the Local Studies Group of the
Association of Hungarian Librarians (HLSG)
at Szolnok, July 2004
Local Studies – Digitisation
– the European Union was the title and main
topic of our latest conference, which took place at
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Library in Szolnok, in
the middle of the Hungarian Great Plain.
In speaking about the principal
theme, all the lecturers and their papers were
professional and up-to-date.
A research fellow of the Ministry
of Informatics and Communications demonstrated the
National Digital Data Archives ( )
and pointed out the connection between the NDA and
the libraries. Cupertino was the subject of lectures
by the president of Association of Confident
Industry and by a fellow of The John von Neumann
Digital Library (the Neumann House). Two leaders of
Hungarian Electronic Library related their
experiences in network for evaluating activities in
digitisation within the European Union ( ) and in the
conclusions of the 6th official meeting of the
National Representatives Group in Dublin. The issue
of the demands and expectations of the appearance of
our digital products on the Internet came up too.
The question of the rights of
authors is a difficult area within digitisation. The
audience was given useful information on this from a
member of the legal profession of the Society
ARTISJUS, the Hungarian Bureau for the Protection of
Authors' Rights.
The director of the Hungarian
National Library honoured the conference programme
with his presence. He spoke about the digitisation
projects undertaken by the National Library. We also
learned from each other through colourful lectures
on the digitisation projects undertaken by the Local
Studies departments in Eger, Hódmezovásárhely,
Tiszafüred, Pápa and Fonyód.
The most elevating moment of our
conference was when our colleague, Erzsébet Gáncs,
showed her book about 10 years of our organisation.
The president, Béla Takáts
presented a CD-ROM of our conferences up till now.
In his closing speech - summing up the questions and
problems of the libraries in the field of
digitisation - Béla Takáts proposed a motion that
our Group should write these worries and suggestions
in an open letter to the Hungarian Library Institute
and the Library Department of the Ministry of
Cultural Heritage for help in our common work in the
You can see the photos of this
event on the webpage: and you
can obtain an impression of this latest conference
Nóra Károly
Librarian, County Library of
The Local Studies Group of the Association of
Hungarian Librarians (
The 10th
Conference of the Local Studies Group of the
Association of Hungarian Librarians (HLSG)
at Budapest, July 2003
Our capital was the scene of our
conference in this year and the Budapest Collection
of Metropolitan Ervin Szabó Library (
hosted the meeting from 16 to 18 July.
The new Central Library of the
Metropolitan Library was re-opened in September 2001
after a 3-year period of reconstruction. In an area
of 15,000 square metres the new wing and the
restored Wenckheim and Pálffy Palace included a
browsing area, open shelves, eleven reading rooms,
an Internet room, a children's library, and a café.
The Budapest Collection, with two other special
collections, offers further opportunities for
learning and searching. The work of the construction
companies of the library was recognised by the
architectural trade with an award of excellence and
the title of "Best Architect of the Year".
The subject of our conference was
“Self-organised local society (Historical changing
and new forms)” The main theme of the lectures was
the question of social participation for saving
cultural heritage. The speakers acquainted us with
civil organisations; reading clubs and table
societies from the past, mostly from 19th century,
and they presented examples of some current
collaborations between their library and civil
organisations or local associations.
There was an interesting civil
lecture about a 2-year old patriot web-group
( which was made by citizens and
inhabitants of a town, Nagytétény-Budafok. This
virtual group is a real local community today. They
met and communicated on the Internet, but today they
know each other personally and they have common
programmes in their free-time. Their common
activities connect with history, and the present
celebration of their town.
Between two parts of the
professional programme, the group had a great
outing. We took a view of the new National Theatre,
and made acquaintance with Nagytétény and Budafok,
these two districts of Budapest, which were not
well-known to us. The most interesting place was a
freemason's chapel in a deep cellar from the 18th
century, and the most pleasant one was a cool
wine-cellar in that hot summer afternoon. Finally,
we made friends and
shared our experiences at a laid table in a nice
restaurant of historical Old Buda where Gyula Krúdy,
the great Hungarian writer was habitual visitor. His
table is marked by a memorial plaque today.
Last, but not least, it was
pleasure to meet again with our colleagues from
Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Nóra Károly
Librarian, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Library
Hungarian Local Studies Group ( |